Sunday, October 28, 2012

Karate Chopping Holiday Blues - 5 Reasons to Smile

Karate Chop those "Holiday Blues" with these 5 Proven (Smile Methods).

Today is November 25th just one month away from the anticipated, yet dreaded, but loved holiday known as Christmas. Often the holidays are an emotional trigger for emotions ranging from happiness to anger. Who knows why the holidays trigger emotions, but it's a fact that people feel inadequate during this time with financial concerns at the forefront of their human experience. Lack of money, poor health and an impending urgency to buy too much uneeded stuff, create havoc within the emotional infastructure of men and women during the holidays.

As a mother of three sons and two beautiful granddaughters I have experienced extreme emotions including doubt, fear, anger and even shame. My grand realization that these emotions were not real, or had no real impact upon my life, was when my son who was 7 years old at the time, had a seizure playing Nintendo. What opened my eyes was that life is precious and just waking in the morning was a reason to smile. So I have found 5 steps that help you karate chop the holiday blues and shift immediately into a place of comfort and joy.

    Practical Step #1 - When you feel the anxiety come up and feel like crying, begin to say these words "I love you", "Please forgive me", and "Thank You". This is a Japanese prayer designed to bring to you a calmness of mind.

    Practical Step #2 - Simply smile for 2 minutes and think of the birth of your child, or the last puppy you had. Thinking of one thing that makes you smile, can shift your mood immediately.

    Practical Step #3 - Go outside and stand on the ground. Do this even if it is very cold outside. The air will change your mood and connect you with the foundation and beginning of all life.

    Practical Step #4 - Gratitude is the key to loving life. Even in the worse conditions of ill health, low finances or family fights, gratitude is an emotion that will shift your perception of your situation in an instant. What you are grateful for you will receive more of. What you are not grateful for, you will probably lose. So, if you are upset about not having enough money to buy gifts, start saying gratitude for what you have in front of you. Maybe it's a car, home or possession, but you have something to be grateful for.

    Practical Step #5 - Joining a support group on social media such as Facebook can help you to feel that you are not alone. Millions of people suffer from anxiety during this time. There are many groups on Facebook to help you talk about what's going on in your life. When you decide to join a group, introduce yourself and be honest. Seeing and admitting that you are feeling negative emotions is the best way to shift the emotion to one that feels better.

These strategies work. Christmas is a time of giving, and often the greatest gift we can give another is the gift of our time and attention. No matter how much money you have or how big of a credit line you possess, you will tend to feel that there is not enough. Remember that you are the bank of prosperity. Within you exists the answer to every question and the gift that everyone wants to receive.

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